Customer Stories


Jasper is a leading AI writing assistant platform designed to help users create high-quality content efficiently. It can be used to write various content, including blog posts, product descriptions, marketing copies and more. Their goal is to leverage artificial intelligence to make the writing process faster and easier. 

How Vidzflow enhances Jasper’s video content delivery

Optimized video performance

Jasper's background hero video is a crucial part of their website, setting the tone for user experience right from the start. Vidzflow ensures this video starts playing 10x faster than other video players and experiences 8x fewer stalls, leading to higher user engagement and satisfaction.

Security measures

Given the sensitive nature of Jasper's content, the security aspect is crucial. Vidzflow is specifically designed for Webflow, which boasts robust security features, including SSL encryption, SOC 2 compliance, DDoS protection, regular backups, 2F authentication and password policies.

Enhanced user engagement 

The faster load times and smoother playback of Jasper's videos keep users on the platform longer, enhancing overall experience and driving higher conversion rates. Having a seamless video performance on your site means that you make a strong first impression, encouraging visitors to explore more of what you have to offer. 

Focused content delivery

With no ads or unnecessary distractions, Jasper's visitors can fully engage with the content without drifting away. This focused delivery of information helps everyone understand and appreciate the value of Jasper's AI writing assistant better, leading to higher satisfaction and engagement rates.

Optimized viewer experience

With Vidzflow, Jasper has been able to optimize their video performance, ensured top-notch security and improved their user engagement. The solutions that Vidzflow has to offer make it easier for Jasper to deliver a seamless, secure and engaging experience to their website visitors, resulting in higher conversion rates.

What others are saying

Maria Sanchez
"If you want to embed videos in Webflow and customize the look, there is no better solution than Vidzflow in my opinion."
Bryant Chou
Co-Founder at Webflow
"Vidzflow is really slick!!!"
Robin Vander Heyden
CEO at ManyRequests
"Because our website is built on Webflow, we've integrated Vidzflow for our videos. I appreciate how easy it is to customize the video player to match our branding, and the pricing is budget-friendly when compared to other options in the market."
Nishant Modi
Founder at GreetsApp
"This is great, like community service. Love your plans too. A great vimeo alternative."
Emmet Armstrong
Webflow Expert
"Vimeo pushed us towards a plan that was 20x pricier, so I switched to Vidzflow instead!"
Josselin Colletta
"Awesome. I've been juggling with Vimeo and such for years!"
Annabelle Porter
“Wow! Exactly what I need for a current project.”
Nina Martinez
Assistant web development manager at Digital Resource
"I’ve been testing Vidzflow this week and it’s great! It really solves many pain points that Webflow was experiencing with their lack of video hosting. Not only is it serving an important role, but the UI of the dashboard is great."
"This tool is outstanding for hosting videos on Webflow. Congratulations!"
Dominic Yates
CMO at SalesHookup
"I was embedding Vidyard videos on my Webflow page 🤮 Gonna try this instead!!"
Bethany Pryce
"It is a tool that Webflow has needed for a very long time!"
Leon Barth
Webflow Expert
"Great idea guys. Really good subject to tackle and throw resources at."
Niko Dovidija
Agency co-founder
"Great idea guys 👏 definitely a much needed substitute for Webflow's native solution!"
Sean Dorje
Co-Founder of ezML
"This seems like a fantastic solution to video hosting issues on Webflow, and I'm sure many users are looking forward to this feature. Speed and customization are crucial for engaging users with video content, and you seem to have nailed these aspects."
Prasad Lingawar
Growth @ Dyte
"This is good. Sharing it with our marketing developer."
Founder at
"This tool is lit for hosting videos on Webflow. Congrats!"